Improve Safety on Your Jobsite with Our Cutting-Edge Technology

Can you remember a time before smartphones? And, if you can, you may have a hard time imagining your life without one now. Technology has evolved and improved rapidly within the past decade, and society has come to rely on technological advancements in all aspects of life, including at home and in the workplace – and North America Traffic is no exception.
Our portable temporary traffic signals have been designed to not only meet the current standards of engineering and technology, but also to reflect the ongoing improvements within the manufacturing industry. Our innovative approach to portable temporary traffic signals and traffic control devices means you can reduce hazards on your jobsite. In fact, we’ve carefully engineered these products to meet optimal safety standards for today’s projects and tomorrow’s challenges.
Keep Workers Safe with Education and Innovation
In a time of technological advancement, it’s our primary goal to introduce solutions that protect workers and people passing through work zones from unexpected incidents. Often, workers on short- or long-term job sites are at the mercy of drivers and machine operators, which makes their work incredibly unpredictable and dangerous. However, with proper innovation and education, we know that portable temporary traffic signals can shield workers against everyday risks.
Consider the role of a flagger on a job site. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), a flagger is responsible for the following duties:
- Safely direct traffic through work zones using stop/slow signals.
- Control traffic to protect workers on site.
- Provide clear, concise signals to assist motorists in safely and accurately navigating the job site.
- Minimize delays associated with traffic.
Even as cars get smarter, roadways get wider and safety portals become tighter, flaggers face increasing threats to their physical well-being and have significantly less protection than their co-workers in non traffic-facing roles. To restore flagger safety and eliminate accidents, North America Traffic has harnessed innovative technologies to manufacture products that can successfully mitigate hazards unique to flaggers and roadworkers.
Here are just a few of the ways that our portable temporary traffic signals and flagger devices can make your job site safe for all:
1. Detect approaching vehicles: North America Traffic portable temporary traffic signals are compatible with optional vehicle detection hardware to help streamline the flow of traffic and increase overall safety on the job site. North America Traffic’s temporary traffic signals can even be equipped with hardware that will respond to emergency vehicles and trains.
2. Operate your device from a safe distance: All of our traffic control devices can be operated and monitored remotely from a safe distance using a hand held remote control and Remote Monitoring System (RMS). To help you keep an eye on your job site, the RMS includes such capabilities as direct text or email notifications regarding faults and battery voltage; available features of the RMS vary between products and should be verified with your dealer or by visiting our Product pages.
In addition to creating portable temporary traffic signals that satisfy both the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) TS-5 standards, North America Traffic is committed to assisting workers in maximizing safety. Research collected by Safety and Health Magazine suggests that more “States and road construction employers are also turning to technology” to better assist drivers in navigating short- and long-term constructions zones, where residential driveways or multiple intersections can limit visibility and cause confusion.
Modern Solutions for a Modern Workforce
Intention, function and forward-thinking innovation make up the core of the unique range of products at North America Traffic. It’s our company’s belief that innovative devices will not only eliminate costs associated with congestion, but also eliminate accidents connected to civilians, workers and pedestrians within the work zone. Are you ready to reinvent your workplace procedures? Join us in creating safer job sites by connecting with one of our sales reps, or by finding a dealer near you today!